Future Unfolding – Eye On

Future Unfolding (TBA)

Future Unfolding Cover


Ongoing Commentary

Future Unfolding is a game announced in December 2012 by Spaces Of Play.

While there is not too much information to go by, due to the game being very early in development, looking at the shot provided we can tell how the graphic style isn’t pointing towards realism but more an artistic feel so I suppose it would feel like moving art while playing this game.

The game is a top down action adventure into a world that is forever changing and survival is a must. It seems the developers intend the player to focus on exploration with no hand holding and leaving the player to discover  and explain what is happening around them.

Stay tuned as Future Unfolding keeps developing and updating, so will Lupo as we keep an eye on this game.


Official Site – http://www.futureunfolding.com/

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